The blogging begins about life on Broadway. With Baby Boy Tucker on the way, currently life still revolves around chocolate lab, Lolly. She is more spoiled than she is cute, which is hard to believe.
She has a best friend, LuLu. LuLu is the Boston Terrier next door. I said I would never be one of those obsessed pet owners that treat a dog as if it is a person, but I am afraid I have fallen into that trap! So you will now hear about Lolly and LuLu as if the are people not pets!
Lolly and LuLu were instant friends. The only thing that separated the two was a simple chain length fence. This fence was no match for the two friends. With Lolly's strength and digging skills and LuLu's size, they were quickly able to bend the fence just enough for LuLu to squeeze under the fence. Ah, friends together forever!
Well... until big girl, Lolly, decides she'll wedge her 75 lb. body under the fence too. The only problem is Lolly can only fit under the fence one way, and the gate on the other side does not remain locked. That only leaves one option for a lab named Lolly. Let's go for an adventure around the neighborhood.
Lucky for Lolly Broadway is full of nice neighbors; including those that live next door and are the proud owners of LuLu. They gladly caught Lolly in the act of escaping and placed her safely back in our yard.
After lining the fence with steel stakes, only LuLu can squeeze her petite body under the fence. So she visits daily to play and to take her seat beside Lolly on the couch.
Okay, so that may be a boring blog. However that is life on Broadway!
Most everyone meets one or all of the below requirements:
Has a dog
Has a jogging stroller
Has a red ryder wagon
First blog entry.... let's hope they improve!