Picture Posting Difficulties... Okay, so I tried to hold up my end of the bargain. However the pictures won't upload. I'll try to get pictures posted today or tomorrow!!!
Today Pearson started Mother's Day Out, so I have time to blog. Also I made a pact with me SIL that I would post by Wednesday. I feel like my college days waiting until the last minute to write the paper that is due.
Well Pearson has been a busy bee as usual. He is all over the place. He opens and closes every door. We laugh because Pearson's Fisher-Price is pots, plans, spoons, magazines, blackberries (not the best choice, since now it no longer works). He loves the Lolly dog and pets her as much as possible. He loves to give her treats. She loves him too!!
He loves to swim, swim, swim! He loves to swing at the park. He loves to eat cheerios and other foods with his fingers.
Over the past couple of months he has been to the beach, the lake, the pool, Atlanta, and Thomson. He has played with friends. Seen his Uncle John who just moved to Missouri.
He is almost a year old... only 2 more months!
At 9 months he maintained his 75th percentile physique...he was almost 22 lbs, 28.5 inches long, and still has a head in the 50th percentile!
He is a sweetheart in everyway. He loves to smile, talk, spit his water out and make bubbles, he flirts, but most of all he likes to GO GO GO!!!
Here are some pics of this little ball of energy! He is one silly sweet goose!